Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world.  James 1:27

Our Kids Come First!

Covering every child with the love of Jesus Christ at every opportunity

The Hope Centre

In the small rural village of Oyuma in southwest Kenya, many families have been decimated by AIDS, Typhoid, Malaria and Covid. Often, children who have lost their parents must live with a destitute grandmother who can barely take care of herself. 

To care for these children, Living Hope Ministries International operates The Hope Centre, an orphanage for up to 60 children. Our primary purpose is to show these children the love of Jesus Christ and meet their physical needs.

The Carter Education Centre

Education in rural Kenya faces several challenges including overcrowding, lack of student books and teaching resources and a shortage of teachers. That’s why our Carter Education Centre is making a huge difference for students while sharing the truth of the Gospel to the entire community.

Houses of Hope

In an area inundated with false religion, we are planting new evangelical house churches by building “Houses of Hope” for widows where people gather weekly to worship Jesus Christ.

Giving: Time, Prayer, Financial Resources

Serving God through Living Hope Ministries International is a privilege and gift of His grace. There’s no greater joy than being the hands and feet of Jesus. Will you partner with us in prayer and contribute your God-given abilities and generous financial support? 100% of your financial donations are used for direct ministry expenses.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

